Call for reporters and stories!

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Attention all DAS members! We are putting out a call for new content for our online news feed as well as help in reporting on events and goings-on around DAS events.

So, if you have experience in journalism or writing, or have written something you want to be published on our website, please reach out to If you go to the DAS events, and you would like to help write up a short summary and provide some pictures, please reach out to If you follow astronomy news and would be willing to write up summaries or recent astronomical happenings, please reach out to

We are looking for anything that is interesting, well written and sourced, and of interest to our membership. All writing is asked to follow the American Astronomical Society style guide, and to properly cite all referenced work. We are also willing to post original images from our membership if timely and appropriate.

In addition, we would love to offer up profiles of our members! If you are willing to be interviewed, or are willing to do some interviewing, please reach out to and we will get something set up

Thank you from the DAS editor. I look forward to seeing everything our almost 1,000 members have to offer!